Circle of strength - Activity

Working on self esteem in therapy

Therapist says to the group; we want to get to know you, and we want you to get to know each other. Part of those meetings is to use the cards we dealt with to our own benefit.  Therapist take out the STRENGTH card from the deck and show it to the group.

Therapist ask the group: When you see this card – what do you feel? what associations it generates in you?  

 Therapist continue: We are going to take 5 minutes when you will write or draw, or PICK a few strengths cards you feel you have. Please write the word strength in the middle of the page and write or draw your strengths around that word. When all members are done therapists asks each member of the group to share their strength with the group.

 To summarize this activity the group leader can ask; looking at the list strengths of yourself and other people was there anything that surprises you? was there anything you want to adopt for your own strength?

 The same activity can be done with group of parents, when you talk about the parents’ strengths, or asking them to talk about their children strengths.


How to deal with Conflict? Activity